Back on Blogger

effective in 2020, I will be back on Blogger!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


1 Day and Counting! tomorrow is the big day...

Monday, February 27, 2012

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Friday, February 24, 2012

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Monday, February 13, 2012

Studio Cat strikes again - twice

 I can see my studio cat, Baby Cakes plopping down on this apron for womyn(s) work
 but what attracts her to a box with a map in it? The inscrutable cat. I have to tell a story on her, every morning she comes running into the bathroom and plops down in the bathtub. My schedule got a little off, so I had already filled the tub when she came in and jumped into the tub full of water! You should have seen the look that she gave me... Nothing but her pride was hurt and she spent about 15 minutes shaking and rearranging her paw and tail!
Just for a little variety, here is the bedroom cat, Fuzzy Bucket, all cuddled up on my bed! If I had known I was going to take pictures, I would have made my bed better!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Making my mark on my books!

I have always marked my books, but lately I have been marking them with stamps. Makes it very unique. I came up with this process when I attended Jane Dunnewold's master class at QSDS. There were 20 of us and we all had the same book, so VIOLA! I thought about marking them with stamps. That has been several years ago and I am still doing it!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The digital divide

Ted did not offer an embed function on this video, but it is worth looking at anyway.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Post card mail art swaps

 This is the collage that I used on the background boxes that I posted yesterday.

This is an interersting technique. I put on a thick layer of gesso on two different cardboards. I then "smushed" them together and when I pulled them apart, there was a great texture. I then painted them with purple and turquois pthalo, and stamped with my favorite spiral stamp.

Thursday, February 09, 2012


 I am preparing for a mail art swap from the internet, and have been painting my left over cereal boxes.
 I am hooked on orange, magenta and turquois pthalo.
 These will be chopped up and the side panel (seen in the middle above) will be used for ATCs and the rest of the box will be used for postcards. The fall outs will be used for hangtags.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Dream Workshop

My friend Pamela Beverage is offering a dream workshop. If you are interested in working with your dreams, check out her information.

Awaken to your Dreams
  Workshop:  Saturday, March 10, 2012
             9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
People have explored the meaning of their dreams for thousands of years.  Dream images are a symbolic language, and when understood provide meaning and direction in one’s life.  Through conversation, art, self-dialogue and dream drama this workshop offers:
·         Greater self-awareness

·         Understanding of the language of dreams

·         Increased communication between your conscious and unconscious worlds

·         A look at life from a new perspective

·         Practical hints on remembering dreams and working with them

               For information and required pre-registration contact
Pamela L. Beverage, Ed. D., LPCC
Jungian Psychotherapist

Location:  Albuquerque, North Valley                                             Fee:  $110. (includes lunch)

6 CEU’s available NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board, Provider #0137061  ($5.00)

Monday, February 06, 2012

This gave me shivers...

I am one of the collection points for Womyn(s) Work and I found an ordinary looking box in my mailbox this afternoon. It was an amazing collection of beautiful mohair yarn and an unfinished sweater. I would like to share this with you. Inside the package was an email and a plaque. The email read:
"Dear Shari: Enclosed is the yarn that my mother was using to knit a sweater. She died before she could finish it. If possible, when you decorate the trees, please put up the unfinished sweater parts with the plaque that I made to honor my mother's memory. Thank you Earthspirit88" Her prior email to me read:  "Hi I was forwarded the information from a friend. I love this idea! I live in California... My mother was a knitter and I found skeins of yarn in her closet after she died. I've been holding on to the yarn since 2001... I would like to send it to you as a way to honor her."
As I read about this daughter wanting to honor her mother, I actually got chill bumps!
This is going to be an amazing installation, and now it is almost a sacred trust, to honor those who came before. My first thought was this yarn is too nice for this installation, but now I am honor bound to use it to decorate a tree and honor Glenna and her daughter, Earthspirit88.

Sunday, February 05, 2012

Womyn(s) Work

Here is the latest on the art Installation that I am working on. We now have 50 aprons, and are hoping for 100. We still have three weeks, so we may make it.