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Monday, June 22, 2009

Solstice Celebration

I did something unusal for me, I was in a performance piece yesterday. Called 60 Water Weaving Women (aka Women in White, with Buckets!) at the Open Space Visitors Center in Albuquerque.
I don't have pictures yet (friends took some, but I do not have them yet) be we (about 32 of us) dressed in white and carried buckets on our heads to the La Orilla Canal and did a water ceremony with willow leaves.
I am not sure how well we did, but it was fun and then we walked the labrynth at the Spiritual Renewal Center.
Some quotes regarding water from the progarm:

60 Water Weaving Women is a celebration of water ispired by La Orilla Canal, the Bosque {vegatation area along the River and Canals}, and the waters of Northern New Mexico. This ritual performance honors water with gratitude and encourages awareness of the tireless presence of this essential life force. Ritual performance bridges art and spirituality. - quote from program

Love the Pitcher less and the water more. - Sufi proverb

We are of the water and the water is us. When water is threatened all living things are threatened. What we do to water, we do to ourselves. - From the Hopi declaration of water.

1 comment:

Judy Merrill-Smith said...

Oh my gosh, that sounds so cool. Would love to see photos when you get them!